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A Technology That Would Change The World (If It Exists) | Answers With Joe a technology that would change the world

终身订阅 Brilliant 可享受 20% 的折扣! 1989 年,Cold Fusion 就在现场注册,宣布研究人员 Fleischmann 和 Pons 通过在室温下引发聚变的化​​学过程创造了能量。 当没有其他人能够复制他们的发现时,冷聚变成为几十年来最大的科学惨败之一。 但有些人认为他们走在正确的轨道上,他们的方法可能是改变世界的关键。 下面是文章和视频的链接。 在 Patreon 上支持我! 在有兴趣购买特斯拉吗? 使用我的推荐链接并获得折扣和福利:成为频道会员并在此处访问独家直播和内容:在我所有的地方关注我! Instagram: Snapchat: Facebook: Twitter: LINKS LINKS LINKS: MinutePhysics-Muon-Catalyzed Fusion Animation 的出色分解,展示了启用晶格的冷聚变方法:Pro-LENR 视频:LENR 研究档案:。

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A Technology That Would Change The World (If It Exists) | Answers With Joe

A Technology That Would Change The World (If It Exists) | Answers With Joe

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A Technology That Would Change The World (If It Exists) | Answers With Joe
a technology that would change the world
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24 thoughts on “A Technology That Would Change The World (If It Exists) | Answers With Joe a technology that would change the world”

  1. Imagine trying to explain something like GPS (which depends on the speed of light) to someone who thought Newton's Laws were "the final answer".

    What it comes down to is "have you done the work?" If somebody comes to you with this really cool theory/idea AND can show you how they got there, all power to them.

    It's really hard for me to declare that cold fusion is impossible with particles apparently going back and forth in time… but I'd want to see the chain of events leading up such an extraordinary claim.

  2. NASA won't touch emdrive no matter how promising it could be they're too regimented to take actual scientific risks anymore. Maybe it's a pipe dream but it's something that can only be tested in space. I think if someone with their very own private space fleet were to launch a study into and it played out…forget about going to see little green men or settling colonies – there's still too much other work that needs to be done like some way to mimic gravity. If the emdrive was tested and it worked and was perfected; whatever company did that would own energy and be the ONLY name in clean energy from that point on. If you have an engine that takes no power but generates movement then you have a way to spin a dynamo and beam that energy via laser or microwave back to Earth for use.

  3. What most people don't know is that a Cold Fusion machine was invented, but it was stolen by the infamous PAYDAY gang for a certain right-leaning senator backed by a large oil conglomerate.

  4. I think skepticism can lead to cynicism and that's what we need to avoid. But as long as your skepticism is applied appropriately so that it doesn't squash creativity and thinking out of the box- it's a good thing I think. The w ay I look at it there's no way you can study it all- at some point if you're going to be educated and informed you have to take someone's word for it. At least when it comes to science I know and understand the means by which they arrived at their opinions- the scientific method. In reality I'm trusting that method- not them or their authority. This is why I feel it's super important that we hold these ppl accountable to following that method always- never deviating or letting bias skew the outcome any more than what's absolutely unavoidable. This means policing the way papers are published, the way labs operate, how experiments are carried out, etc. Because like any other institution science is not immune to the almighty influence of the dollar.

  5. I wish you would have talked more about the lack of neutrons and the lack of other evidence that fusion took place. And yes I believe that this should be pursued. The fact that it works so well with muons means that the amount of energy required is in the same magnitude as that required. It may be possible to modify the substrate to get better results.

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