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Digital Marketing 101 (A Beginner’s Guide To Marketing) digital marketing beginner

数字营销 101(营销初学者指南)**** 营销系列简介 🎯 在这个免费的营销培训系列中学习如何创建有利可图的营销 ➡️ 在此视频中,我将通过向您展示来帮助您成为更好的数字营销人员您现在需要了解的有关数字营销的一些最重要的事情。 你会看到数字营销看起来比实际复杂得多,这很遗憾,因为它实际上非常简单。 也就是说,如果您想从数字营销中获得最佳结果,那么您将需要了解我将在本集中分享的营销策略。 如果您观看整个视频,您最终将成为一名更好的数字营销人员。 所以……让我们开始吧。 #marketing #digitalmarketing #marketingstrategy ***PS-只要你准备好了,这里有两种最好的方法我可以帮助你…… 1) 一页营销备忘单:2) 1 对 1 营销指导和咨询:***Le t’s Connect:网站:Instagram:YouTube:Facebook:Twitter:。

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Digital Marketing 101 (A Beginner’s Guide To Marketing)

Digital Marketing 101 (A Beginner’s Guide To Marketing)

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Digital Marketing 101 (A Beginner’s Guide To Marketing)
digital marketing beginner
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42 thoughts on “Digital Marketing 101 (A Beginner’s Guide To Marketing) digital marketing beginner”

  1. Adam, great content!
    I am a newbie in digital marketing and so far, I prefer watching your videos over dozens of other sources, it is so informational, feels like you're filling my knowledge with the exact missing facts and info I do need.
    Thanks, thanks, and thanks!

  2. Summary:

    Strategy vs Tactics


    Model: Your business. Your offer, your service, your package. Whatever U want to deliver to the market.

    Market: People who you will serve. Laser focus. Ideal client avatar

    Message: Speaking directly to them. Telling stories about old customers and the challenges people you worked with faced and what you faced

    Media: Which digital media. This has to be the last item after all the items above


    What frequency you will post

    How many things you will list

    Organic vs Paid

    Organic: is anything you will create your own.

    Paid: all the media with “Ads” in them. Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads etc

    Direct Response vs Brand Awareness Marketing

    Direct Response: Create an ad and getting an immediate response, leads, email addresses etc

    Brand Awareness Marketing: Measuring trust, authority etc

    A BIG issue for many, is running brand awareness campaigns and expecting direct response results

    Search vs Discovery Market

    Biggest difference is “Intent”

    Areas here are SEO and Google Ads

    Discovery Marketing, more casual browsing. YouTube etc. Get their attention and keep it.

    Marketing Products vs Market Services

    B2B vs B2C marketing

  3. wow.. your video is just wow. I can't tell how much valuable of this video is!
    Great job on making this video!! My time watching your videos is not wasted at all. Your contents are straightup simple and accurate and easy to understand, not to mention NO BULLSHIT for selling anything unlike other digital marketing gurus.
    I really appreciate it and can't thank enough!

  4. I’ve been studying digital marketing and want to get started with it but I don’t know how to start without experience. Can you tell me how to get into it?

  5. Hi Adam, I recently discovered your channel after I developed a pretty strong interest in marketing. I want to start school soon and definitely want to do an internship during it. Would you be able to do a video sometime on the best companies for digital marketing internships along with some tips and advice to get one?

  6. Thank you for your clear, concise introduction to digital marketing; I appreciate this tutorial. In future videos, will you please consider lowering the volume on your background music? I found it a touch distracting to your robust main message. Danke!

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