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Digital Marketing for Beginners: 7 Strategies That Work digital marketing strategy

数字营销世界的新手? 了解 7 种数字营销策略,它们实际上可以为您带来更多流量。 **************************** *********** 额外的数字营销教程和资源 面向初学者的完整 SEO 课程:学习在 Google 中排名第一 ► 初学者 SEO:提高 Google 排名的基本搜索引擎优化教程 ► 关键字研究教程 ► 如何撰写实际获得流量的博客帖子 ► YouTube SEO:如何对您的视频进行排名 #1 ►如何开始数字营销的职业生涯(循序渐进)► ************ ************************ ***** 搜索引擎优化。 写博客。 社交媒体市场营销。 内容营销。 电子邮件营销。 视频营销。 PPC广告。 名单还在继续…… 2019 年有数十种在线营销方式可以让您的网站获得更多流量。 但是你从哪里开始呢? 哪种策略最适合您? 在本数字营销教程中,Sam Oh 列出了他亲自尝试并取得成果的 7 项关键策略。 这些将帮助您消除所有噪音并专注于为您的网站产生最佳结果的噪音。 观看本教程时要采用的一个重要心态是,人们在决定购买之前正在寻找信息。 抱着通过有价值的内容帮助人们解决问题的心态,会让更多的人停下来倾听您传达的信息。 本培训涵盖的 7 种策略包括:1. 考虑 SEO 的博客 2. 投资视频内容(提示:YouTube) 3. 社交媒体营销 4. 付费广告 5. 播客 6. 电子邮件营销 7. 论坛和社区委员会一次完成所有 7 项工作可能很诱人,我们鼓励您在尝试下一个之前专注于一个数字营销渠道。 获得互联网营销的好处并增加您的业务流量。 时间戳: 0:47 采用当今消费者的心态 1:28 考虑 SEO 的博客 4:22 投资视频内容,特别是 YouTube 6:06 开始一些社交媒体营销 7:58 投资付费广告 10:47 接受采访对于播客 12:34 查看电子邮件营销 13:24 使用论坛和社区板 请务必订阅更多可操作的营销和 SEO 教程。 敬请关注:Ahrefs ► YouTube ► Facebook ► Twitter ► #marketing #digitalmarketing #internetmarketing #onlinemarketing。

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Digital Marketing for Beginners: 7 Strategies That Work

Digital Marketing for Beginners: 7 Strategies That Work

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Digital Marketing for Beginners: 7 Strategies That Work
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25 thoughts on “Digital Marketing for Beginners: 7 Strategies That Work digital marketing strategy”

  1. I’m a developer for an all around web service company and I’ve been delegated all the work from our previous head of marketing and this video really gave me a good understanding of where to start. Thank you for this, I will be utilizing these strategies personally and professionally. What I took from this video was fully understanding the wants and needs of consumers and being able to capitalize on the wants and needs first before tunneling on a sales strategy. Currently, I’m working on creating cluster content so my AdWords and focus keywords are actually consistent and optimally being utilized. Thank you again, I truly appreciated this video, knowledge is power. Liked and subscribed.

  2. Mr Marketer inrroduce yourselfc first like normal people omg, u start talking about the vudeovthen out of the blue you introduce yourself omg beyond bizarre as if we dont know for a start why clicked on yr vid or what your name is, does it really take that long to say your name first ong ! See ya.

  3. Yes Sir to me it was very good explain in what to do and how to go about thing but to focus on one niche and see it all the way through beginning to end.

  4. We believe that this can be especially helpful as it demonstrates aptitude and drive, both of which are important qualities. Hope that helps.

  5. Kinda a weird question , but im participating in an erasmus program for 1 year , and i would like to persue anything related to digital marketing . Given all this , i have 2 options , i could go to England or Spain ( im from portugal) , what do u think its importante for me to consider? love ur videos btw

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