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Economics Major vs Finance Major finance and economics

瑞安·奥康奈尔 (Ryan O’Connell),CFA 分解了经济学专业与金融专业之间的区别。 他涵盖了以下主题: 0:00-介绍 0:39-薪水 0:55-学术界职业 2:00-工业职业 3:27-哪个更有趣? 5:05-结束语查看我的网站以获取更多与金融和投资相关的文章和视频 如需查询,请联系:[email protected] *披露:这不是财务建议,不应采取像这样。 本视频中包含的信息是一种意见。 有些信息可能是错误的。 该频道由 Portfolio Constructs LLC 拥有和运营。

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Economics Major vs Finance Major

Economics Major vs Finance Major

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Economics Major vs Finance Major
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31 thoughts on “Economics Major vs Finance Major finance and economics”

  1. I don't really agree with you, those creating the financial models and doing the research and findings in finance are economist and mathematicians, and the not majors of finance, as well as those in investment banking or any analyst jobs are mostly econ grats or mathematics and statistics, quite funny but you hardly find a pure finance major, only those with CFA. But with a masters in economics you really need CFA to be a financial analyst. And like seriously your degree don't bring you the fattest salaries, it your skills and what you bring to the table.

  2. I want to break into investment banking but eventually make into advisory into financial markets. I thought masters in eco/fin will make me technically strong.
    What's your opinion on it? Thank you

  3. Overall I think this was a great video. One thing it may have left out was how a person builds decision making skills. Economics teaches opportunity cost decision making–a skill that will help someone make decisions both in college and in the real world.

  4. I am make fianance major in lebanon its very important iam love fianance but i can't have experience about and I am not sure what make master Fianancial economic or fianance can hou advise me please

  5. Maybe do the difference between a BA in economics/finance vs a BBA or BS. I would really wonder why finance majors do better than economic majors, as even at a bachelor's level most of economics courses are usually more quantitative than a finance major -quantitantive finance majors

  6. Thanks for your clip. I'm currently preparing for Econ. Phd and CFA at the same time. In fact, I'm devoting tons of time to writing papers for graduation(SSCI etc.) while memorizing key concepts and ratios for CFA. I feel lucky that they are complementary to each other since my field of research is corporate finance, and actually get a lot of practical knowledge and information from CFA since the research is close to mathematics and econometrics, a bit far from real world. FYI, I'm close to my final year of Econ. phd AND early stage for CFA.

    My question is, how would investment job market view someone with Econ. phd along with CFA? I heard that economic academics won't really like I'm preparing for them at the same time, since it would take away more energy and time for papers. However, I would like more balanced view for my future career since I hope to increase the chance of getting satisfactory job, regardless of academics, investment and etc. Thanks in advance!

  7. Hey! This was a super insightful video, I only wish I saw this before choosing my majors as Econ, Math and Stat. Would you suggest first year econ majors to take up courses in finance if they want to break that field. CFA might be too late and I've heard of FMVA too but still unsure. I'd appreciate any help!

  8. does financial economics is good ? College I choose have finance or financial economics ,idk is it financial eco is included finance and economics too ,my mind told me that some times financial decision needs help of economics theories so i choose financial eco but i scared about the program half half like not so professional ,am I wrong or what's your opinion?hope you can ans my ques .TQ

  9. I’m a freshman Econ major and I’ve been having trouble on what skills I should prioritize learning outside of class. I’m interested in the financial and tech industry. Should I start learning Python or Excel? Anything in particular that would be crucial to learn in Python or Excel for finance?

  10. Universities need to have a combined Eco/Fin major 🙂 I know so many people that majored in both including myself. Both are complementary to each other. I wish I was able to take one major but more classes from both areas.

  11. Ryan, bumped into you areticles, found them really useful and now I am here on your channel:) Keep going! And I’d love to see more videos about Python crossed with Finance if possible:)

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