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How to Ace a Digital Marketing Job Interview digital marketing interview

你得到了这个惊人的数字营销工作的机会,但你很紧张,你很紧张。 他们会问你什么问题? 你应该准备什么? 如果出现问题并且您没有正确答案会怎样? 你会失去工作吗? 你会得到吗? 今天,我将教你如何在数字营销工作面试中胜出。 资源和链接:____________________________________________ 2019 年最需要的数字营销技能(高收入技能要掌握) : 如何在 2019 年开始从事数字营销职业 : ____________________________________________ 第一个提示,请举出过去的例子。 看,如果您要参加数字营销工作的面试并且可以证明您过去做过了不起的事情,那么您的境遇会更好。 如果您没有您为其他工作或其他公司做过的客户工作或为其他工作或其他公司做过的工作的示例,那么您应该考虑在短期内做的是创建自己的网站。 当您创建自己的网站并开始进行实验时,至少您可以证明这一点。 这总比没有别的好。 另一个提示,当你面试时,看看你申请的公司。 看看他们如何改进。 进入面试时,“嘿,你愿意接受建议吗?”好吧,根据我所看到的,你在做什么,“你的竞争对手在做什么,我会做一、二、三,这是不同的. “你有没有测试过这些东西?如果是,结果是什么?”如果你不确定他们在做什么和他们的竞争对手在做什么,看看像 Ubersuggest 这样的工具。另一件事,我讨厌人们采访我时他们使用花哨的词。不要试图使用流行语或花哨的词来表明你很聪明。告诉我我如何解决问题。如果你不能告诉我我是如何解决的可以解决问题,我不在乎。所以让我们回顾一些最常见的问题。#1 您在数字营销方面的经验是什么?如果您无法分解您所做的事情,无论是为其他人还是你自己运营网站的经验,你将很难找到这份工作。你有什么资格?你如何学习数字营销?你需要可靠的答案。通常,你想要集中注意力。你的资格不应该是你是万能的。市场在变化。人们并不是真的在招聘万能的人。他们正在招聘有能力的人 ho 专门研究 SEO、按点击付费、Facebook 广告等策略。 哎呀,我们的广告公司 Neil Patel Digital 有专门从事 Facebook 广告的人。 我们有一群完全不同的人,专门研究 Google AdWords。 所以专攻是没问题的。 公司更喜欢这样。 而且我们倾向于雇用专精与通才的人。 因为那些专攻的人,是的,他们可能无法做所有事情,但是他们所做的事情,他们会做得更好。 你还想问自己,“嘿,你会在那家公司,在那个营销部门做些什么不同的事情?” 不仅仅是从战术上的网站,可以在结构上。 不管是什么,如果你不能回答这个问题,那么你可能不会在面试中表现得很好。 它不能只是一些笼统的答案,比如“哦,是的,我会测试 SEO,我会测试内容营销。” 它需要具体。 “看,我注意到你的竞争对手在博客上发表了很多教育建议,根据我从 Ubersuggest 找到的这些数据,他们正在获得流量和反向链接。” 你看到我在这方面做得非常具体吗? 这就是人们在接受采访时希望看到的内容。 您可能还会被问到,您使用哪些数字营销工具? 如果你得到这份工作,你会如何部署他们? 你会如何使用它们? 您不想给出诸如“我使用 Google Analytics”之类的笼统回答。 每个人都说他们使用 Google Analytics。 如果你想说“我使用谷歌分析”,你需要非常具体并实际展示,你会说,“好吧,我使用谷歌分析,我知道你们也这样做,但你们有没有检查过这个群组报告?群组报告的作用是显示有多少人不断地回到您的网站。如果他们不断地回来,您将建立一个更强大的品牌。如果他们不这样做,您将无法建立一个强大的品牌.” 这些是人们会问的问题类型,当你得到这些问题的答案时,这就是你工作的方式。 ► 如果您在发展业务方面需要帮助,请查看我的广告代理机构 Neil Patel Digital @ ►订阅:了解更多秘密 SEO 技巧。 ►在 Facebook 上找到我:#CareerAdvice #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing。

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42 thoughts on “How to Ace a Digital Marketing Job Interview digital marketing interview”

  1. Have you ever applied for a digital marketing job and been like, "Hey, what are they going to ask me? What do I need to know?" Say "yes" in the comments if you have.

  2. hey Neil, thank you for all your informations, I'm learning all by you & I would like to ask is there any practical questions in the interview, such as show us where you look for the body or head on the HTML code, or how you set up Google tag manager or WordPress,etc?

  3. What piece of advice would you give someone who has worked as a traditional marketer but keen to make a career move to digital marketing? What courses should be taken? Does certifications from AMA add value? How to land the first job as a non digital marketing professional? Btw I love your contents and would really appreciate any advice from you.

  4. Watching this before my first interview out of school for a digital marketing analyst assistant job, These questions helped me feel better about how i prepared and set up for the future hope for the best !

  5. Hey Neil,
    Thank you for sharing these tips.

    One (long) comment I want to make, as I think these tips are more adapted to "modern" structures who have good marketing teams.

    "Traditional" large companies sometimes have CMOs that are clueless about everything you talk about in these videos, cohorts, backlinks etc. It's the very basis of digital marketing and they've never heard it.

    They know "website", "Adwords", "facebook ads". That's it.
    They could almost think you're some kind of weird nerd if you use too many of these marketing terms. Which is crazy.

    These usually aren't Big Tech or Silicon Valley-like companies – so not software or training companies for example- they'd be more companies in healthcare or banking or automotive etc. where the Head of Marketing would typically be a guy or woman who's done magazine paper ads & radio ads & attending events & emailing their audience manually for the last 20 years to sell the company's products, and they'd consider digital campaigns as just an additional way to promote stuff – a "nice to have".

    Many of these companies still remain attractive for young digital mkt professionals, because they pay well and provide many advantages.

    So, what sometimes happens (unfortunately) is that you arrive at the interview, super motivated with examples etc.
    You then see a bunch of desperate housewives and old Family Dad kind of dudes (no offense to more experienced professionals reading this – just joking ; ) having coffee and complaining about how long it's going to take to create and send that "mailchimp newsletter".

    And gossiping about news like "Apparently Prince Harry has been doing x and y this weekend".

    You start talking with your potential future boss, and you realize after 5 minutes that he doesn't have a clue. So you start using more and more "easy" words to make sure he gets what you mean. You start explaining what each feature you mention, does.

    You explain the function {keyword} in an text ad content in Adwords, you explain how automated campaigns could make people come back to the website more often, how a membership plan could make people become more loyal to your brand, how an affiliate program could make the sales explode, etc.

    The manager is like: "OK, well, it's good to have new ideas, but you know we already have a lot to deal with. We send 4 emails a day given we have 25 different products and each product needs to be advertised regularly, etc. You will need to put these emails together.
    This year, you'll also have to fully revamp the website, we want everything red now to fit the brand, not green. An agency will do that for us, you will work with them, the project will last 6 months". (I exaggerate a tiny bit).

    My point is: there's still a huge generation gap in many of these companies where internal seniority often means being more likely to get the C-level or the Director level job. Skills and results, not always. (I just turned 30 myself – was a team leader in smaller startups, but never in one of these "traditional large companies".)

    Therefore, you get really frustrated, everything is already decided and you become an executive rather than someone who can provide recommendations, suggestions, test different things, etc. If you start challenging or "proposing too many ideas", you just don't get the job, or you just get asked to "stick to your tasks and that's it" once you're hired and into the job. So, eventually, you leave.

    The CMO/ Mkt Director doesn't get why you would improve this and that, because the results aren't too bad after all, and "this is the way it's been working here for years – we've always done it this way!'. And, "if" the results are bad, the company can always fire a few people at the bottom and keep the management team to continue : ). Most of these companies are often in an industry with less competition and so they stick to marketing from the 90s/2000s. A sad truth.

    I had myself this kind of bad experience with 3 companies. I've (thanks God) worked for more innovative and "smarter" companies, too, mainly design & mobile app agencies. But at the end of the day, if you really want to learn a lot and be hands-on, and test what you feel like testing, the best way is freelancing (so you're the one doing the recommendations, and you don't need to do what a boss asks you to) or having your own business.

  6. Working part time and schooling hasn’t been easy on me….but all tnx to. Hitfxsandra I’ve been able to gather enough money to sought out the necessary bills DM her on instä Hitfxsandra you won’t regret it by investing for the forex package

  7. Woow…i am amazed to see that you are replying to each and every comments… You are the best example of how to engage with your potential customers and make every one of them feel special..

  8. What are contexual links? Difference between GTM and GA? How we can rank single page website with multiple keywords? What are best practices to grow social media channels organically?

  9. Thank you Neil, I have no experience in Digital Marketing and have a job interview for a role in it tomorrow! This has given me some great advices and tools to look into. Wish me luck!

  10. Hi neil last interview in ecommerce company they asked their website has no content. only product and price,image. so how to rank this ecommerce site?

    what the answer may be?

  11. Yes, I have applied and I still have not got any practical exposure on how link building and SEO works. Can anyone help me out ? I am ready to work for you.

  12. Can You Make Social media marketing Related interview Question in Your Up Coming Videos? Because I want to Be Social media Marketing Expert. But Now I m Fresher and Looking for a job. Which Industry best for me to do a job and learn more about Social media. Hope You Will Reply to my comment

  13. We asked 100 SEO Managers the following questions:

    Do you prefer a simple CV template?

    88% answered yes.

    Does writing quality on a CV play a part in your decision to interview people?

    94% answered yes.

    Do you prefer a one-page CV?

    75% answered no.

    Do you expect someone to include a detailed cover letter?

    56% answered no.

    Is education more important than experience to you when hiring someone new?

    100% answered no.

    Are you more likely to interview someone with internship experience?

    20% answered yes.

    Do you find experience can be more relevant than a degree?

    94% answered yes.

    Is a passion for marketing crucial?

    20% answered no.

    Do you like people to include an interests/hobbies section?

    88% answered yes.

    Would you like to see people include their proficiency in marketing tools on their CV?

    94% answered yes.

  14. @neilpatel – Is it okay to take breaks between jobs? I have a 7 year digital marketing exp planning to take a couple of months break and focus on some personal things. This is also an opportunity for me to try and test out thngs on my blog thereby building a portfolio. What are your thoughts on this?

  15. Wouldn't it come across as being a bit arrogant to tell a good DM Co. what their shortcomings are? You most certainly wouldn't know them before hand. If they'd be so easy to spot, hey, they'd have them fixed already. And if I could: would I apply for a job and not start my own business, if I was THAT good? Or do I get that statement something wrong? THX. Informative as usual a presentation from you, I like your No-Fluff style!

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