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Introducing Microsoft Mesh technology ad

Microsoft Mesh 可通过混合现实应用程序在任何设备上随时随地呈现和共享体验。 网格允许连接具有新的深度和尺寸。 随着数字智能进入现实世界,我们现在能够查看、共享和协作处理持续存在的内容。 这种共同的理解点燃了想法,激发了创造力,并形成了强大的纽带。 阅读文章: 了解更多: 欣赏带有音频的视频 描述: 在此处在 YouTube 上订阅 Microsoft: 在社交媒体上关注我们: LinkedIn: Twitter: Facebook : Instagram: 有关 Microsoft、我们的技术和我们的使命的更多信息,请访问。

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Introducing Microsoft Mesh

Introducing Microsoft Mesh

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#Introducing #Microsoft #Mesh
Introducing Microsoft Mesh
technology ad
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42 thoughts on “Introducing Microsoft Mesh technology ad”

  1. I want to use AG to create a giant version f battle chess in my yard (or something similar with battle like Pokemon etc. ) where the pieces actually fight each other and are life size etc. That would make the simplest games so AMAZING!!

  2. Wow amazing!! I can see this being the next best thing besides video chatting with friends-family in other states-countries. Holographic forms of them hanging out together in my living room xD

  3. I heard mark saying something like this that the future will have the oculus virtual reality now I see that both Microsoft and oculus working on it in their own way. It seems like a new era technology.

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