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Once again I attempt to add polish to LED holiday lights technology connections

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Once again I attempt to add polish to LED holiday lights

Once again I attempt to add polish to LED holiday lights

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Once again I attempt to add polish to LED holiday lights
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47 thoughts on “Once again I attempt to add polish to LED holiday lights technology connections”

  1. I always very much disliked colored christmas lights. I'm a big purist when it comes to my Christmas tree illumination.

    Oh, and believe me, we have really janky lights with all of our beautiful 230V here in Germany.

  2. In Brazil I used to buy something we used to call "verniz vitral", it's a clear varnish used to make fake stained glass, it's quite durable, and for this application all you need to do is dip the LEDs into the varnish and let it dry, apply multiple coats if necessary, it's quite easy to use and very durable.

  3. Does anyone remember the years when they only sold blue sets of Christmas lights? They were everywhere! Then a few years later it was white only, remember those? Might as well install a streetlight in your front yard.

  4. Is it just me or do these videos feel like an 80s show, just without having to worry that the cast is getting asbestos and lead poisoning while we're watching.

  5. My grandmother has been using the same C9 set for the last 300 years or so. They’re very endearing in the way they turn the outside of her home into a giant ez-bake oven.

  6. 240 Land here. Yes, we had — and have — sets like that. The C7 size being far more common than the C9. But if anyone needs it then Big Clive would surely be able to show us how to modify a 120V set for use in 240V places. Incandescent would have been easy… just put 2 sets in series. LED probably has a power thingie that could be fiddled.

  7. yes, yes we have similar ish lights. The small ones are common, the larger ones use 'normal' bulbs plugged into sockets you can jam into a wire yourself (or buy them premade)

  8. I am absolutely obsessed with Christmas lights as well, and have an extensive collection of over 10,000 sets ranging from 1924-2021. I used Tru-Tone bulbs on my roof this year with 3 incandescents mixed in for comparison, and NO ONE can find the incandescent bulbs!! Absolutely amazing stuff. And most people dislike the LED coloring (besides Tru-Tone) that I know, so you are certainly not alone.

  9. It's been a decade since I had purchased Christmas lights, and even then, I got them secondhand. I've always purchased incandescent strings up until about 3 weeks ago. I bought two sets of LED lights and they had such an awful refresh rate that It felt like I walked into a club with strobe lights! It was miserable. I returned those and purchased a set off of Amazon. While those were better, I did definitely have an issue with the vibrancy of some of the colors. I really need to look into the company making that LED C9 string it seems!

  10. When I was a kid, we used to have lights with small normal bulbs and with colourful paint to make them colorful.
    But they were expensive than LEDs.

  11. I just purchased 'Home Accents Holiday 300 Multi-colored Mini LED Lights" from Home Depot here in Southern California. They appear to be exactly what you describe: colored caps over white LEDs. I guess I'm not certain that there isn't a blue LED under the blue cap, but it seems to look right to me. Has anyone else noticed these?

  12. "[…] which also happens to be during a part of the year where electrical demand tends to be low."

    It depends on where you live. In Canada, electrical heating is quite common and in the province where I live, Québec, the vast majority of heating is done with electricity. Winter is the highest demand period of the entire year.

  13. I mean, this is just a matter of preference. Also light filtering is incredibly inefficient. And just because some people prefer it that way, companies won't change anything. Of course there's always LEDs made in different wavelengths, companies just buy them.

  14. Probably a bit fiddly. But have you considered wrapping coloured gels for theatre lights around the led bulb? A heat gun might be able to shrink the gel around the tip. The nail paints seem to be the most effective at the moment

  15. Not just an issue with rectification on most minis for that annoying flicker, but no smoothing capacitor (or not enough of one). One would think that could be on a priority list somewhere.

  16. Nail polish is a great and underrated way to colour plastic! Here's some of the heuristic learnings I've found out about getting weird and wacky nail polish colours (I paint my nails in guitar hero colours, and finding good matches is a real challenge):

    -Top coat shouldn't be too necessary, it's normally for glossy feeling finish and chip protection. It doesn't really do anything UV wise. (You could look into gel nails that actually use UV to set, but I doubt that'll be a good result and much more of a faff to do)
    -If you have struggle applying it to the plastic, consider lightly sanding or use a base coat to help it stick (this is often the same as the top coat)
    -OPI are great in that they categorise their polish by colour, making searching easier, but they are expensive and I don't recommend if you want to buy in bulk
    -A multibox in a range of colours, like the ones sold on certain online stores are great for potentially nabbing the right shade of what you want, fi the added benefit of being able to experiment with sparkly polish. That might make your lights pop!
    -In terms of colours, both in availability and quality, the ranking goes:
    1. RED – Every brand has a fleet of reds, it's the easiest to get the desired colour, and to apply evenly. Rimmel and other cheap brands do banging reds
    2. BLUE – Still common, and you get some nice range, especially with dark blues. Worth looking into slightly more expensive brands just for a good formula that applies well
    3. GREEN – The issue here is that us humans see the most amounts of greens, and it's a unpopular colour. That's why you struggled to find a good green. Due to it's lack of market interest, you can be caught between one brand that has the right colour but applies like boogers in water, or something that applies lovely, but is radioactive green. I would recommend going for colour first, and seeing if you can put up with the patience of having to reapply the layers until you get results. Greens have a tendency to be globby and flaky. Consider more expensive brands for the correct colour and thickness
    4. YELLOW – It's heart-breaking here that I've only ever had about 2 good colours of yellow. Even more scarce that green, it's only saving grace is that we can't perceive as much of its glory. Inheriting the undeveloped issues as green, yellows tend to be both watery and too thick, often chipping and looking uneven. However, due to the rarity of yellow, I would say grab any bottle that matches the colour you want, as you're unlikely to find another good match.

  17. Tamiya acrylic clear colour paints are very good they are available in smoke X19, red X27 , orange X26, yellow X24, greenX25 and blue X23.
    The X range are brush on or can be thinned for use in an air brush, they come in small glass jars so it would be easy enough to carefully dip the bulbs into the paint to get a nice even finish, it drys farly quickly so you can repeat the process to get a deeper colour.
    Also if you want an alternative for the yellow you can get a special clear amber paint used to tint white headlights I recently used some on my dads garden lights that had faded and it has worked very well.

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