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Home » Technology, The best or worst thing for education | Scott Widman | TEDxYouth@BSPR technology and education

Technology, The best or worst thing for education | Scott Widman | TEDxYouth@BSPR technology and education

本次演讲提出了一个问题,即从教师的角度来看技术如何影响课堂,以及对技术如何影响学习环境存在许多误解。 波多黎各鲍德温学校的教师 该演讲是在 TEDx 活动中使用 TED 会议形式进行的,但由当地社区独立组织。 了解更多信息。

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Technology, The best or worst thing for education | Scott Widman | TEDxYouth@BSPR

Technology, The best or worst thing for education | Scott Widman | TEDxYouth@BSPR

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Technology, The best or worst thing for education | Scott Widman | TEDxYouth@BSPR
technology and education
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25 thoughts on “Technology, The best or worst thing for education | Scott Widman | TEDxYouth@BSPR technology and education”

  1. Comments asking for a summary: The argument is, it doesn't matter what your positive or negative views of technology in a classroom is. Our students inhabit a digital world as a matter of fact, thus it is a moral imperative that teachers adopt technology because we are responsible for shaping how our children act and interact in their native environment.

  2. Q1- Technology can be dangerous, students can become addict and use it to cheat. I t is also a source of information and can improve learning.
    Q2- To use technology wisely educators and students need to use it responsibly to develop digital skills and learning

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