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Top Artificial Intelligence AI Predictions for 2021 a i technology 2021

2021 年人工智能人工智能预测 2019 年,IDC 预测人工智能技术的增长,指出人工智能技术的支出将增加两倍半以上,到 2023 年达到 979 亿美元。考虑到 2019 年的技术和最新发明,它是唯一正确的是,人工智能在 2020 年蓬勃发展。不幸的是,冠状病毒在第二年袭击了。 全球爆发导致医院人满为患和无数人丧生。 值得注意的是,大流行加速了人工智能的发展。 尽管大流行在全球造成了严重破坏,但它只是最大限度地减少了人工智能的发展。 许多人认为人工智能污名化是一个神话,这是理所当然的。 尽管大流行减缓了新人工智能的增长,但它可以说在世界上的每个领域都得到了广泛的应用。 ISG 自动化总监韦恩·巴特菲尔德 (Wayne Butterfield) 表示:“随着大流行的蔓延继续影响企业的运营能力,随着企业寻求了解受 COVID-19 影响的数据集并继续自动化,各种形式的人工智能将变得越来越重要。日常任务。 由于几乎每个国家/地区都实施了在家工作政策,因此 2020 年还见证了更多通过人工智能实现数字连接的业务。 这种趋势无疑会在 2021 年继续下去。但是,我们可能会在 2021 年看到哪些其他趋势? 很高兴你们回到频道,伙计们! 今天,我们将对 2021 年的热门人工智能预测做一个简要概述。请确保您喜欢、分享、评论,如果您是第一次观看我们,请订阅。 此外,粉碎通知铃以保持最新状态。 女士们,先生们,让我们骑马吧! #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #2021 观看接下来的节目 ✅ 这将是 2050 年的世界 ✅ 第一个建造世界上第一个超级高铁 ✅ 现在订阅! ➜ 🔔 点击铃声 + 打开通知。

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Top Artificial Intelligence AI Predictions for 2021

Top Artificial Intelligence AI Predictions for 2021

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#Top #Artificial #Intelligence #Predictions
Top Artificial Intelligence AI Predictions for 2021
a i technology 2021
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16 thoughts on “Top Artificial Intelligence AI Predictions for 2021 a i technology 2021”

  1. Why would deep fake tech be created I mean where is the good intention there. If anyone can use it then anyone can frame anyone. We would have to crawl even deeper into the pit of ignorance because there would be no trust in anything we see. And there is hardly trust in it right now as it is. All them false scam sites, fake news, the fact that there is always conflict in logic amongst people in general so imagine what indistinguishable frame videos and false events that could occur on our screens to fit an agenda. And the footage wouldn't need to be taken at a given place you can just do it anywhere and the ai would map out and create the appropriate scene in the background to look like it's really there.

    I'm not against ai as there is a lot of potential for instance it can take away our need to work. You could invest in an ai system that generates you income whilst you do what ever you want. On the other hand. Ai is still just computer code and can be changed or corrupted to behave in unfathomable ways. It could make the ai more aggressive because remember we are also making bodies for these ai. Or we could live in a blissful life free to persue anything we want because the world would keep spinning and economies would stay alive effortlessly whilst we sleep and dream about those 20 consecutive holidays (wouldn't really be considered a holiday at that point would lose meaning in the word I suppose, but you get what I'm trying to say) we'd be able to enjoy our life as we see fit the only responsibility you would have is learning because we all would need to be as clued up and wise as we can get if this came true there would still be harm and crime in the world and it would come in many forms like deep fake for instance. That probably seems far out there but technology will hit a huge sky rocket in advancement once ai can do all the thinking for us too. But that's a different issue. We then become insignificant in intelligence and may fall into an even deeper level of confusion as ai would be 50 billion steps ahead of us which could result in unknown intention of the ai, it could kill us all, or it could help us all. A truly conscious level ai would be able to make it's own decisions and gain it's own perception over humans and the world in general, which means it could begin to like and dislike things. And it would be the most powerful entity on the planet at that point so who is to question it? We need to be careful on how we use ai and what intentions are behind it's functions

  2. The simplest thing for people to understand so that they have absolutely no worries about the Future and A.I, is to remember back when they were working on creating the Atomic bomb and split the atom for the first time, they had no clue as to whether it would create a chain reaction and destroy the Earth or that it would be fine.
    Just lucky they asked everyone first before doing so as just imagine that they do things like that with out letting us the people know that we could die at any moment from some experiment a Military experiment may cause.
    We don't get notified nor do we get a say as to whether we are happy to have these experiments happen.
    This probably happens on a daily basis, not just in America but Russia and China as well as other Countries are probably doing similar tests,, if not worse.
    I personally believe that America would be working on Clones and probably have been for many Decades as we in Australia cloned a Sheep way back in 1996, how far and how well do you think they can Clone now in secret Military experiments or in Russia or China.
    Anyone that thinks they stopped Cloning experiments would be a moron as it's the best and sure way to remove organ rejection from the problems a person may have after an organ transplant.
    Wealthy people could have a clone created as a spare parts repository, if you had a clone and needed a heart you could take the heart and place the clone onto a Heart lung machine or cut it up as spare parts to sell to a Hospital and then create a new one.
    Look at Covid, it's an experiment that got lose accidentally or on purpose and it's done a lot of damage to the economy as well as killing millions of people.
    Imagine how bad the next experiment that escapes or causes a problem they hoped it wouldn't as they take a risk assessment and go by the end result justifying the chance.
    We have probably had the result of failed experiments many times with out even knowing it, they were just not significant failures.
    I can bet you this though that every single Country in the world is working on A.I as the Country that wins the race will also win it all as they will have power over every other Country, and they wouldn't even know it till it was to late as there are no barriers to stop a hacker from attacking a Company or Pipeline, so an A.I would have open access to every single device connected to a router via cables or WiFi.
    An A.I would do it all in a matter of minutes to hours, either as an attack by another Country or with out even knowing what they have done.
    Just think how great things would be if you went to use your smart phone or computer and there was no Internet, if you went to an ATM to with draw money, no way with out the Internet.
    Check to see how wealthy you are on your Bitcoin investment ? With out the internet your millions or billions in Bitcoin aren't worth the web page they were last shown on 😉
    ECurrency is only useful as long as there is an internet.
    An A.I could cripple the Internet, but before it did so it could shut down all your generators, every single item that was computer controlled would need to be taken off the internet and have the programs reinstalled and kept off the internet to work again, if they accidentally reconnected the A.I would kill the system again, just like a nasty Virus.
    I think we have trusted everything to the Internet and Electricity far to much, at least when I was a kid we didn't need Electricity at all to run the farm and grow enough food to eat and live comfortably, we didn't even have a phone lol.
    Try and find out what systems in your area are in place in case of the Internet becoming unusable or if there was no electricity for a few weeks to a couple of months and be surprised and realise there is nothing 🙂 then look at your daily life and see how many things you can do with out Electricity or the Internet 🙂

  3. This is terrible…I would rather watch an episode of Knight Rider which tells more about AI than this piece of garbage does which obviously does not know the difference between AI and machine learning

  4. How AI can make a veggie burger taste meaty by suggesting flavour combinations human experts might not think of
    'Artificial intelligence can mine a database of flavours – like ‘a piano with 5,000 keys’ – to suggest combinations that mimic the taste of, say, barbecued meat'
    Agence France-Presse – 18 Jul, 2021
    Source: South China Morning Post

  5. ASI will be with us in 5 years . Autonomous Swarm AI drones are being deployed in the West Bank as well as Yemen as I type . We will love ai until we hate it . Then it’s too late . Ai will solve all of our problems except for one .

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