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Home » Why YOU should be a TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANT technology consulting

Why YOU should be a TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANT technology consulting

仍然不确定您想在职业生涯中追求什么? 考虑技术咨询! 技术是一个巨大的领域,而咨询是一个利润丰厚的职业,你可以从中得到很多,并享受它带来的所有惊人的福利,比如旅行、惊人的工作经验,以及……高薪。 $$$ 在这个视频中,我和你谈谈什么是技术咨询,为什么你应该做技术咨询,甚至为什么你不应该做技术咨询。 我认为这是对您作为技术顾问的工作期望的一个很好的解释,所以我希望你们都考虑成为一名! 0:00 介绍 0:58 什么是技术咨询? 3:34 为什么要咨询? 4:43 技术咨询所需的技能 6:19 为什么您应该从事技术咨询 10:27 为什么您不应该从事技术咨询 与我一起开启您的技术咨询生涯! 除了我的 YouTube 频道和免费的技术咨询社区 Facebook 群组上的免费内容之外,如果您不仅想从我那里获得更多个性化和专属的帮助,还想从其他志同道合的赞助人那里获得更多的个性化和专属帮助,这就是为您准备的! 无论是简历、面试、职业建议,都期待! 为了支持更多女性踏上 STEM 职业生涯,总收益的 10% 也将捐给 Girls Who Code! 捐款完成后,每个月都会发布一个带有屏幕截图的帖子。 通过成为赞助人,您也在支持编码的女孩! 仅限业务咨询:christinewong [email protected] 如果您有兴趣在埃森哲从事技术咨询或职业,请在下方发表评论,我们将了解如何实现这一目标! 我制作这些视频是为了帮助人们发现令人惊叹的职业并学习对日常生活和工作场所很重要的新技能。 请订阅更多纽约的职业发展、职业发展、技术咨询信息、旅游和生活方式视频博客! 我在纽约市,所以打我! 你也会经常看到我的猫,所以如果你自己是猫父母,请支持一位疯狂的猫女士! 关注我:Instagram:Linkedin:Facebook:网站:加入技术咨询社区 Facebook 群组,结识其他有抱负和当前的技术顾问,以建立联系并了解更多信息! 这是参加技术咨询案例面试计划和无偿技术咨询计划的要求! 免责声明:这些意见和想法是我自己的,不一定代表埃森哲的想法、策略或意见。 Löwe 的音乐-Clear Sky 的音乐 ninjoi 的音乐。-我要去哪里-Chinsaku 的音乐-Midnight 的音乐 Mark Generous 的音乐-大通先生的音乐-Calling Home 的音乐 ninjoi.-Nishi – #technologyconsulting #careers #埃森哲。

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24 thoughts on “Why YOU should be a TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANT technology consulting”

  1. Thank you so much for this information. My follow up question is. what is the Career progression with salary after the Associate Technology consultant?

  2. I have a sister who works at Accenture and I think the same position as you. I am graduating in February and would love to work at Accenture. I have been learning how to program the last several months and I know Java, JavaScript HTML & CSS, but have a degree in Political Science. I did take a lot of technical courses in college like Physics, Chem1&2, calculus1&2 and many more. My goal was to be well rounded in college even if I was taking a non-technical degree. My sister told me to give her my resume but I am hesitant because it seems like nepotism lol. By the time I graduate in February I hope be fully competent programmer, I don't know if that will boost my chances of land a job at Accenture.

  3. Hi there, i really loved ur video, definitely very insightful! I have the opportunity to go into a grad role that is technology consulting with SAP and oracle at a big 4 and was just wondering what your thoughts were on it?

  4. Hi! Do you think that I could apply if I am 26 and I have a master in data science or maybe I could be like overqualified and then they would prefer someone graduated from a Bachelor degree

  5. Great video thanks for sharing. I have been in Healthcare IT management for 16 years and am thinking of doing some independent consulting, I have hired and worked with lots of consultants but never been on myself. Thanks for the advice some good points to consider.

  6. Great video thanks for sharing. I have been in Healthcare IT management for 16 years and am thinking of doing some independent consulting, I have hired and worked with lots of consultants but never been on myself. Thanks for the advice some good points to consider.

  7. Thanks for your informative video!
    One question I have: you mentioned about the flexibility of tech consulting roles, like switching from data analytics to web design. However, aren't companies hiring consultants for their specialized expertise? Like the workday software you mentioned. If a consultant is switching between areas (or joining a consulting firm as a fresh grad), how can he or she persuade the client they are worth it?
    And do consulting firms provide training for fresh grads or junior employees for that reason?

  8. I started working as a Technical Consultant, I didn’t know wtf it was until I actually started my job and I also have a hard time describing what I do to friends. But we are paid for our operational knowledge in software people wouldn’t normally know, because its usually technology that’s geared towards a specific industry.

  9. Hello i hope you are doing well! Whats your opinion on consulting in the Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics area (CRM)? I'm currently 21 years old and i have 2 opportunities to intern in Microsoft or Deloitte, with a possible hire after the internship. I'm kinda lost cause in Deloitte i know i will learn a lot, mainly sales force, and Microsoft is more of a support role. Any feedback is highly appreciated. 🙂

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