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面试必答题 “Tell me about yourself” 如何破?这样自我介绍才能留下好印象!| 高频面试问题详解 digital marketing 面试

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面试必答题 “Tell me about yourself” 如何破?这样自我介绍才能留下好印象!| 高频面试问题详解

面试必答题 “Tell me about yourself” 如何破?这样自我介绍才能留下好印象!| 高频面试问题详解

Search related to the topic 面试必答题 “Tell me about yourself” 如何破?这样自我介绍才能留下好印象!| 高频面试问题详解

#面试必答题 #如何破这样自我介绍才能留下好印象 #高频面试问题详解
面试必答题 “Tell me about yourself” 如何破?这样自我介绍才能留下好印象!| 高频面试问题详解
digital marketing 面试
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34 thoughts on “面试必答题 “Tell me about yourself” 如何破?这样自我介绍才能留下好印象!| 高频面试问题详解 digital marketing 面试”

  1. You never can tell a book by its cover. I don’t like the question: tell me about yourself. I mean that question is rubbishy. The person who wants to get that job is already in front of you. You might want to ask specific question for example why do you want to get this job instead. Tell me about yourself is a psychological question. It is about testing people’s retrieval memory. It is designed to test candidates focus span whether in a short-term memory or long-term memory range. Here in the show the host says she prefer to have a short answer, what she really says is that she wanted her candidates have a good focus on the present.

  2. 你說好的自我介紹, 會是成功的一半.
    不好的自我介紹, 就八成得涼了.

    所以, 說的好和不好之間的三成差去哪兒了呢?

  3. 个人认为最好5分钟时间自我介绍,期间语速不能快,也不能慢。
    1、个人基本情况,简略再简略。姓名,年龄,婚姻状况 O了
    3、个人优势/性格/优点 突出个人卖点,(有可能是别人没有的技能,却能对工作非常大的帮助) 让对方明白为什么要用你,与之匹配。 聊得好以便后期谈高薪资。


  4. Tell me about yourself,我从来不问这个问题。如果你面对的是好的面试官,整个面试不会是明显的Q and A, 而是在谈话和交流,面试人是否准备没有太大区别。

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