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9 Passive Income Ideas – How I Make $27k per Week make money online ali abdaal

使用此鏈接的前 1000 人將獲得年度 Skillshare 高級會員資格的 30% 折扣:-您也可以查看我全新的創作者生產力課程! 在這個視頻中,我將通過現實世界的例子來介紹 9 個被動收入的想法,其中一些讓我每週賺到大約 27,000 美元。 00:00 介紹 02:20 投資股票 07:07 啟動 YouTube 頻道 10:36 啟動播客 13:35 成為聯盟營銷人員 16:50 銷售數字產品 18:53 銷售課程 23:36 建立一個會員社區 26:12 自動化業務 28:00 構建應用程序或網站 鏈接 1. Freetrade 股票和股票(英國)-2。 Weebull 股票(美國)- 3. Sheen 的播客-4。 不要過度思考 YouTube Channel-5。 Pat Flynn 的聯盟營銷課程-6。 Traf-7。 Oliur-@Oliur / UltraLinx 和@Oliur Online 8. Ness Labs-@Anne-Laure-9。 Hannah Witton -@Hannah Witton 我的免費在線課程:🚀 生產力大師班-提高生產力的原理和工具-🎬 使用 Final Cut Pro X 進行視頻編輯-從初學者到 YouTuber-🎓 如何為考試而學習-基於證據的大師班-兼職 YouTube 學院:🍿 我為期 6 週的在線直播課程-我最喜歡的裝備:🎥 我的 YouTube 相機裝備-⌨️ 我的鍵盤-無線珊瑚機械鍵盤(櫻桃藍)-📝 我最喜歡的 iPad 屏幕保護膜-Paperlike-🎒 我的桌面配件 + 待辦事項列表-Ugmonk-我最喜歡的軟件:✍️ 最好的書籍摘要(簡短)- 📚 我如何記住我讀過的內容(Readwise)-🎵 我從哪裡獲得音樂(對 YouTube 用戶來說太棒了)-🎙 我的每周播客-我哥哥和我每週主持一個播客,我們討論幸福、創造力和人類狀況。 您可以通過在任何播客應用程序(例如:Spotify、Apple Podcasts、Google Podcasts 等)上搜索“Not Overthinking”來找到它。 成為我的朋友:💌 註冊我的每週電子郵件通訊-🌍 我的網站/博客-📸 Instagram-🐦 Twitter-🎮 Twitch-我是誰:我是 Ali,一名在英國劍橋工作的初級醫生。 我製作關於醫學、技術、生產力和生活方式設計的視頻。 我還有一個每周和我兄弟的播客(我每週寫一封電子郵件通訊,其中包含一些快速的想法 + 有趣事物的鏈接(🌍 我的網站/博客-聯繫:如果你想談談,我很樂意收到您的來信。直接在推特上@AliAbdaal 將是獲得回复的最快方式,但如果您的問題很長,請隨時通過 [email protected] 給我發電子郵件。我盡力回复事情,但遺憾的是一天中沒有足夠的時間來回复每個人😭 PS:此描述中的一些鏈接是附屬鏈接,我從😜那裡得到了回扣。

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9 Passive Income Ideas - How I Make $27k per Week

9 Passive Income Ideas – How I Make $27k per Week

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9 Passive Income Ideas – How I Make $27k per Week
make money online ali abdaal
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27 thoughts on “9 Passive Income Ideas – How I Make $27k per Week make money online ali abdaal”

  1. Getting into digital marketing and starting an agency is not that hard. It's all about having a mentor or getting the knowledge to follow step by step. Within a year you can make 10K a month. Maybe 5K a month for the first year if you aren't trying that hard. It's all about prospecting and getting clients. Then scaling that. You can partner with others if you are brand new. You find the client and they fulfill the order whether its a facebook ad or google reviews. Once you are confident you can make a landing page for your service and let them come to you.

    Local Marketing Vault is the place to start. I am not an affiliate but should be. Its like $2,500 now (i paid more) then $197 a month for the "toolbox" that has all the tools. It replaces Zapier, TruLead, Trello, Calendy, etc. Nobody else offers that package, it just dropped for members. They have live chats 4 times a week. Two guys run it and they live it everyday on Facebook. One member makes like 65K month mostly from Linkedin prospects. One guy makes over 10K a month as an affiliate using a single landing page.

    Please don't delete this. I am not an affiliate and its a great opportunity for those interested in helping small businesses like painters, plumbers, dentists, chiroprators, attorneys…its a win-win situation. Have a business helping other businesses and communities!!

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