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Are Platy Fish Fin Nippers? The 19 Correct Answer

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Some platies, especially males, are known to fin nip. If you notice your bettas beautiful tail beginning to look ragged you may need to keep a closer eye on your tank. It may be fin rot

fin rot
Fin rot can be the result of a bacterial infection (Pseudomonas fluorescens, which causes a ragged rotting of the fin), or as a fungal infection (which rots the fin more evenly and is more likely to produce a white “edge”). Sometimes, both types of infection are seen together. › wiki › Fin_rot

(a disease which left untreated can be fatal, find out more here.) or it may be one of your platies biting him.Both males are aggressive, but leave each other alone. They do not like new fish of any sex. The platys all ganged up on the weak fish.A single tank can have a Southern Platy and a Variatus Platy living together. They will not harm each other. You can even add in a Swordtail Platy to the mix as they are close relatives as well. Beware though, that these might interbreed, and you’ll have a lot of babies in your tank.

Are Platy Fish Fin Nippers?
Are Platy Fish Fin Nippers?

Can platys be aggressive?

Both males are aggressive, but leave each other alone. They do not like new fish of any sex. The platys all ganged up on the weak fish.

Can you keep platies with other fish?

A single tank can have a Southern Platy and a Variatus Platy living together. They will not harm each other. You can even add in a Swordtail Platy to the mix as they are close relatives as well. Beware though, that these might interbreed, and you’ll have a lot of babies in your tank.

Top 7 Fin Nippers That Can Terrorize Your Community Fish

Top 7 Fin Nippers That Can Terrorize Your Community Fish
Top 7 Fin Nippers That Can Terrorize Your Community Fish

Images related to the topicTop 7 Fin Nippers That Can Terrorize Your Community Fish

Top 7 Fin Nippers That Can Terrorize Your Community Fish
Top 7 Fin Nippers That Can Terrorize Your Community Fish

Are platy peaceful fish?

Platy fish are peaceful and aren’t aggressive toward other fish, but there needs to be more females than males in the tank. Keep one male for every three female platy fish. Platy fish shouldn’t be housed with aggressive or fast-moving fish like bettas.

Can platy regrow fins?

Yes, the fins of a fish can grow back after nipping or rot.

Nipping happens when fish bite or pinch each other sharply, which mostly occurs when you keep incompatible finnies together in a small, overcrowded aquarium.

Why is my platy nipping?

Your platy may suddenly nip his fish mates and swim after the other fishes for no apparent reason. They may be stressed, and this is their way of balancing what they feel. Platies are considered non-violent and can live peacefully with their fish mates, including guppies, mollies, and swordtails.

How many platies should be kept together?

How many platies should be kept together? A group of three to six platies is a good starting point. As with most livebearers, the males constantly want to mate, so try to keep at least two females for every one male to give the girls a break.

What is the lifespan of a platy fish?

The typical platy fish lifespan is between three to five years when kept in optimal conditions.

See some more details on the topic Are platy fish fin nippers? here:

Why Is My Platy Fish Nipping Its Tank Mates? (5 Most …

Platy fish are no different because they may show signs of aggression towards their fellow tank fish. Your platy may suddenly nip his fish mates …

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Do Platy Fish Have Teeth?

No, Platy fish are not fin-nippers. However, they will occasionally bite the fins of other platies during mating season.

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Platies are fin nippers? | Betta Fish Forum

So I had one of my males in a 29 gal with 6 platies and 3 ADF. About a week later my betta has 3 large chunks out of his tail gone.

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Quick Answer: Are Platy Fish Fin Nippers – PETSATTHEGABBBA

Which fish is smartest? Fin Nipping Some platies, especially males, are known to fin nip. … Are platys aggressive? Platys have a reputation for being …

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How big do platys get?

The platy (Xiphophorus maculatus) grows to a maximum overall length of 7.0 cm (2.8 in). Sexual dimorphism is slight, the male’s caudal fin being more pointed. The anal fin of the male fish has evolved into a gonopodium, a stick-shaped organ used for reproduction. The female southern platyfish’s anal fin is fan-shaped.

Are platys bottom feeders?

Platy fish eat food on the top of the aquarium as well as off of the ground. They are able to eat in both locations depending on the food you provide. Platy fish eat a variety of foods and as long as you maintain the right balance of diet, they will remain top and bottom feeders.

How To Prevent Aquarium Fin Nipping

How To Prevent Aquarium Fin Nipping
How To Prevent Aquarium Fin Nipping

Images related to the topicHow To Prevent Aquarium Fin Nipping

How To Prevent Aquarium Fin Nipping
How To Prevent Aquarium Fin Nipping

Do platys need a bubbler?

As for fancier types of filters such as bed filters and power filters, Platies don’t need them unless they have tank mates that are producing more waste.

Can goldfish live with platys?

Platies and goldfish can technically live together but it is highly inadvisable for several reasons. They require different living conditions such as water temperature, tank size, feeding, and the behavior issues won’t let them live in comfort.

Do platys eat their babies?

Adult platies don’t have any protective instinct toward fry; in fact, they may eat them. This is why it’s essential to remove the fry from the aquarium as soon as possible. To accomplish this, you must monitor the aquarium no less than every two hours to identify whether any fry have been born.

How do you cure fin nipping?

Cool the action. Tropical fish become most active when water is at the warm end of their ideal temperature range. The solution to reducing aggression and fin nipping could be as easy as lowering the tank temperature by a few degrees. Warmer temperatures stimulate tropical fish to mate.

What does fin rot look like?

In the early stages of fin rot, the edges of the fins will discolor, appearing milky on the edges. Often this change is so subtle that it goes unnoticed until fraying of the fins or tail begins. As the infection spreads, small pieces of the fins die and begin to fall off, leaving a ragged edge.

Is a platy a school of fish?

Platies are schooling fish, and they generally thrive in small groups of about five fish. They will do well in most community tanks, and a group will also make a beautiful single-species tank.

Can 2 male platys live together?

I have kept all male platies together (as part of a peaceful community tank) and they do quite well. The only times I’ve seen aggression from them was when there was a female with them. As others have said, individual fish do have individual personalities. There is always that chance.

How can you tell a male Platy from a female?

Look closely at your platy’s underside, and note the two fins protruding from its belly. The fin in the rear, or anal fin, is called the gonopodium. In female platys this fin is shaped like a fan. If your platy is male, however, the gonopodium will be pointy, flat and long.

Fin nipping fish | What fish are fin nippers | Fin nipping fish list .

Fin nipping fish | What fish are fin nippers | Fin nipping fish list .
Fin nipping fish | What fish are fin nippers | Fin nipping fish list .

Images related to the topicFin nipping fish | What fish are fin nippers | Fin nipping fish list .

Fin Nipping Fish | What Fish Are Fin Nippers | Fin Nipping Fish List .
Fin Nipping Fish | What Fish Are Fin Nippers | Fin Nipping Fish List .

Do fishes fart?

Most fish do use air to inflate and deflate their bladder to maintain buoyancy which is expelled either through their mouth or gills which can be mistaken for a fart.

Do tetras and platies get along?

Tetras as a whole are excellent Platy tank mates. A few, such as the closely related Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) have more demanding needs in terms of water quality and don’t work as well with the hardier, salt and alkaline-loving Platies.

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