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Best Personal Finance Books for Beginners finance book for beginners

这些是我为初学者挑选的个人理财书籍的首选! 你最喜欢的理财书籍有哪些? 在下方发表评论! ——– 📚我提到的个人理财书籍……拿破仑希尔的思考和致富:戴夫拉姆齐的总金钱改造:隔壁的百万富翁:美国富人的惊人秘密托马斯J.斯坦利和威廉D. Danko:John C. Bogle 的投资常识小书:——– 🎬 其他 DFM 视频,您可能会享受 5 种节俭的方式成为无债务千禧一代:成为无债务:我的幸运车祸:如何创建预算:千禧年版:——– 💌 免费预算工具包下载 Google 电子表格中内置的免费预算模板,我每个月都用它来跟踪费用:——– I’M社交在 HURR 🔸 Facebook:🔸 Facebook 群组:🔸 Instagram:🔸 Twitter:🔸 网站:—- —- 无债务千禧一代是亚马逊服务有限责任公司联营计划的参与者,这是一项附属广告计划,旨在提供指通过链接到 和附属网站来赚取费用。 当您单击亚马逊链接并进行购买时,它会帮助无债务千禧一代频道,因此我可以继续制作有关千禧一代和金钱的精彩视频! 此处提及的所有产品和服务均已由我贾斯汀·纳尔逊 (Justine Nelson) 亲自测试、阅读和推荐。 继续。 (我任性的儿子。)。

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Best Personal Finance Books for Beginners

Best Personal Finance Books for Beginners

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Best Personal Finance Books for Beginners
finance book for beginners
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5 thoughts on “Best Personal Finance Books for Beginners finance book for beginners”

  1. Replace think and grow rich with laws of success by napoleon hill it's the original and better version of the book 35 bucks at Amazon big blue book hard cover 540 pages

  2. I learned as a child what a monetarily wealthy person looks like at least in the 1950s and 60s.I grew up in n. central IL, very small rural town and the richest residents were farmers [crops and cattle] who drove their not-latest vehicles [often old farm pickup trucks] into town once a month to get supplies they didn't create or provide themselves. They wore clean overalls into the stores and attended tiny rural churches in flannel shirts and jeans. The handful of wealthy that lived in town were 3 doctors who still made house calls for the very ill or elderly, a couple of lawyers who did not flaunt their affluence in vulgar ways, and maybe a dozen "old money" families who had run the few businesses in the county that had provided nice jobs for thousands of citizens — multiple generations in town. Remember — this is 50+ years ago. That is not the current profile of the still small city.

    I learned that just because a man is not dressed up in a suit and tie is no measure of his finances. They continued the adage of R R R R to the extreme following the Great Depression of the 1930s: reduce reuse recycle and repurpose, along with you cannot spend what you do not have [neither a borrower nor a lender be], and pay promptly anything you owe, no excuses. And even if things are difficult, you still share with those less fortunate through no fault of their own. But do not enable those who are wasteful or ungrateful.

    As for D.R., I agree with some of his live-debt-free dages, but personally I am repulsed by so many who do not just appreciate his suggestions, but actually laud and magnify him [and all his nepotism].

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