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Computer Network Classification – Lan,Man,Wan,Pan And Can? The 16 Top Answers

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Network Types: LAN, WAN, PAN, CAN, MAN, SAN, WLAN

Network Types: LAN, WAN, PAN, CAN, MAN, SAN, WLAN
Network Types: LAN, WAN, PAN, CAN, MAN, SAN, WLAN

Images related to the topicNetwork Types: LAN, WAN, PAN, CAN, MAN, SAN, WLAN

Network Types:  Lan, Wan, Pan, Can, Man, San, Wlan
Network Types: Lan, Wan, Pan, Can, Man, San, Wlan

Spoiler – This post is long yet interesting!! For a quick summary of the topics discussed in this post, you may directly scroll down to view the differences in features of LAN, WAN and MAN.And for those who want a detailed overview of this topic(i.e We area network(wan),Local Area Network(lan), Metropolitan Area Network(man), Personal Area Network(pan), Campus Area Network(can)), please be patient and continue. In my previous post we have seen various communication types by virtue of which successful communication can be established. Now, there are many other factors that have to be taken care of while designing any data network. The two most important factors to be determined are: Types of transmission technology and ,.  Scale (physical size of the network).

1. Transmission technology

There are mainly two types of technologies that can be implemented i.e Broadcast network and point to point networks. In Broadcast networks, all nodes(devices) in the network share the same channel, and the message(in the form of packets of data) sent by any device in the network, is received by all the others. Further, a special code in the address field is used for addressing any particular(desired) device in the channel. Thus, when a packet is received, a machine checks for the address field. In point to point network as the name suggests, there exist many connections between any pair of machines. Most of the point-to-point connections mainly use an actual length of any wire or a cable in order to connect the two far ends. The packets sent by any device have to follow multiple routes of different lengths before reaching the desired device.Thus properly designed routing algorithm plays a vital role here.

2. Network Scale

Based on the physical size,  we can ify the network hardware configuration. The category into which a network falls is normally determined by their respective size. A LAN generally covers an area which will be less than 2 miles , a WAN can further be worldwe. Networks of any size in between are normally referred to as the metropolitan area networks (MAN) and can span over tens of miles. For clarity, you may refer below table: Multevices Distance Devices are located in Example of network 1 m Same System Multicomputer 100 m Same building LAN 1 km Same Campus LAN 100 km  Same state WAN 1000 km  Same Continent WAN 10000 km Same Planet Internet Network is mainly dived into the following three categories(more detail in the next section ): Local Area Network. Metropolitan Area Network. We Area Network.

Network Classification by their Geography:

Computer networks can be ified based on the geographical area they cover i.e. the area over which network is spread. Such ification can be given as: PAN(Personal Area Network). LAN(Local Area Network). MAN(Metropolitan Area Network). WAN(We Area Network). CAN(Campus Area Network). In this section ,we will discuss the following categories of networks.i.e We area network(wan),Local Area Network(lan), Metropolitan Area Network(man), Personal Area Network(pan), Campus Area Network(can)

What is Local Area Networks (LAN) ?

The Local Area Network(LAN) is a network that is designed in order to operate over a small physical area such as in a factory , buildings or a group of corporate offices. A local area network is basically privately owned and further links the devices in any campus , single office, or buildings. Currently, LAN size is basically limited to a few kilometers. LANs are trusted wely in a variety of applications. Early LANs had data rates ranging in between 4 to 16 megabits per second (Mbps) range.However, at present, the speeds generally range between 100 or 1000 Mbps.  LANs are generally very convenient to troubleshoot and build. The personal computers (PC) and the workstations in the office are well connected to each other via LAN. The exchange of data messages and the sharing of allocated resources between various devices becomes easy due to the use of LAN. LAN mainly uses a layered architectural framework and they are further capable of operating at a very high data rate (hundreds of Mbits/sec) . Depending upon the requirements of any organization and the kind of technologies implemented i.e. a LAN can be very simple as a very few computers and a printer at home or it can contain many computers in a company and include voice ,sound and video peripherals.Wireless LANs are the newest evolution in the LAN technology LANs are wely used in order to allow the resources to be shared among the PCs or workstations. The resources that are to be shared can be hardware like a printer or any softwares or data. LANs are also distinguished from MAN’s and WAN’s based on the transmission media that they use and topology. In general, any given LAN will use only one type of a transmission medium. The most common networking topologies used are bus,ring and star. LANs are mainly designed to allow the resources that are to be shared among the personal computers (PCs) or any workstations. for eg, one of the computers may be given a larger capacity disk drive and then it may become a server to the clients. The software can then be saved (stored) on this central server and also can be used as required by the complete group. This scenario is common in many workstations. State and Dynamic broadcast networks: Any broadcast network can further be ified into two types namely:. Static networks and. Dynamic networks. The ification is basically based on how the common channel has been allocated. In the static allocation, each of the machines is allowed to broadcast only in its assigned allotted time slot. The static allocation mainly wastes the assigned channel capacity when any machine doesn’t want to transmit in its allotted time slot. Hence in most of the systems generally try to allocate the channel dynamically i.e.on demand. .

LAN components:

Some basic LAN components are as follows: Workstations. file server. gateway. Network Interface Units. Active and Passive Hubs. LAN Cables or Communication Channels. Workstation: A workstation refers to a personal computer (PC) or a specific person. Interaction capabilities are further added to allow networking. File server: A file server is a computer application that typically allows software, hardware, and data resources to be shared by running unique, specialized software. Gateway: It facilitates the efficient transfer of data from each LAN to another. Network Interface Unit (NIU) This is a device that consists of equipment (hardware) and software. It uses microprocessors to regulate interactions and access over communication networks.

LAN cables or communication channel:

A  cable is employed (used) for connecting any computer in a LAN.The communication from one computer to others takes place over the cables.So cables are called communication channels. The twisted pairs ,coaxial cables or optical fiber cable are used in LANs.

What is Metropolitan Area Network(MAN) ?

A MAN is simply a bigger (modified) version of a LAN that precisely uses similar technology. It is developed in order to extend over a very larger area such as an entire city. It generally covers the area inse any city or a town. It is designed mainly for customers who need very high-speed connectivity to the Internet, and also have the endpoints being spread over any city (or part of city) .  The MAN could be by means of a single network as being a cable network system or it can be rather a mixture of numerous LANs as shown in fig.  A MAN could be wholly owned and operated along with a private company or it is also a service supplied by a general public company, like a telephone company that is regional .  A MAN is based on the framework of the IEEE  802.6 standard or it can also be known as the Distributed Queue Dual Bus(DQDB). Each bus has a device that initiates the transmission activity called as the head end. Traffic that is destined for a computer to the right of the sender uses the upper bus and to the left uses the lower bus. An example is the cable TV network that originally designed for cable TV, but today can also be used for the high-speed data connection to the Internet. Also MAN is the part of a telephone company network that can prove a very high-speed DSL line proved to the respective customer.

 What is We Area Network (WAN) ?

When any network spans over a large area or when the computers that are to be connected to one another are at wely separated distances, then a local area network can’t be used. A WAN basically proves a long-distance transmission of image, data , video, and audio information over very large geographic areas that may comprise of a continent, country,  or even in the complete world. For such a situation a We Area Network(WAN) must be installed .The communication will be in between different users of “WAN” is established using a number of leased telephone lines or satellite links and in similar channels. It is cheaper and much more efficient to use any phone network for the links.A WAN network can be very much complex as the backbones that will connect the internet or as simple as the dial-up line that will connect the basic household computer to the Internet. Mostly the we area networks basically used for transferring very large blocks of data among its respective users . Since the data will be from the existing records , the time taken for the data to transfer isn’t one of the important parameters. An example of WAN is clearly visible in an airline reservation system.The terminals are generally located all over the country, using this the reservations can be done. It is indeed very important here to note that all the terminals mainly uses the same centralized common data that is proved by the central reservation computers. Due to the larger distances present in the WAN network, the propagation delays and the variable signal travel times are some of the major problems. Thus most of the WANs are not used for the time-critical applications. As already explained earlier that the WAN network is more suitable for the transfer of data from one user to the other user which is not a time critical application. WANs are mainly the packet switching networks. The switched WAN will connect the end systems, which usually comprise of a router (internetworking connecting devices) that will further connect to the other LAN or WAN networks. The point-to-point WAN is basically a line that is leased from any telephone or cable TV prover that further connects to a household computer (PC) or  any small LAN to an Internet service prover (lSP). A WAN basically proves very long-distance transmission of  message data , voice image and also any video information over a large geographical area that may mainly comprised of a continent ,a country or even the coomplete world as shown in below fig. An example of a switched WAN is an asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) network (as explained in later posts), which is a specific network along with a fixed data sized unit packets called as the cells. HOST: Host is a large computer.It can prove services to many computers.The services proved are: Proving computing capabilities. Proving access to the database. WAN contains a large collection of machines for running application programs. All the devices connected called as hosts and all are connected by Subnet. The main function of the subnet is to carry message packets from the host to host. It contains mainly two parts i.e Transmission lines and Switching network. Transmission lines help in transferring data packets from one device to other,and the switching elements are used to connect multiple machines(hosts). When any data arrives on an incoming line, then the switching element has to then choose an outgoing line on which it has to be forwarded. These packet switching nodes(switching elements) transfer data via one or more intermediate routers. The packet will then be received by an intermediate node. The data packet will then be stored in a router(node) until the required output line will be free  and then forwarded. If two routers (which are not connected) want to take part in data exchange, then it will be done indirectly via other routers  . .

What is PAN (Personal Area Network) ?

This network is the simplest of all. This enables data exchange between indivual workstations, ie. H. Digital sharing between PCs, smartphones and other devices. This can be done via wired media or wirelessly (Bluetooth, Infrared, Zigbee, etc.). However, for wireless transmission of packets, it supports a small range of only a few centimeters to a few meters (a piconet typically has a range of 10 meters, or 33 feet).

What is CAN (Campus Area network) ?

As the name suggests, a campus network is just a local system (LAN serving an organization, government agency, university, or similar). Users on a campus area network are generally more dispersed (geographically) than on a single LAN, but they are generally not as wely distributed as on a we area network (WAN). A Campus Area System (CAN) is simply a network of multiple interconnected LANs (local sites) within a very limited geographic area. CAN is a smaller area than connecting to a WAN or even a Metropolitan Area System (MAN). CAN is also known as a corporate area network (CAN). It’s very cheap and accessible across departments, and it’s going to be a single shared data rate. The following are examples of CAN implementations: Stanford University’s SUNet network and .Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)’s Athena Project. In addition to the above ifications, we may also have some other connected device configurations within this geographic area. Two of the most important are: Wireless network. Internet work. When it comes to wireless networking, we mainly focus on devices that are capable of exchanging data over any wireless medium. We can take mobile computers such as laptops as an example. A wireless local area network is another example of a wireless network. A combination of wired and wireless networks is also possible. This type of network can be set up when you go to the office, or in a car, bus, plane, etc. for reading emails and other purposes. The most important use of the network is in military operations. An internetwork connection consists primarily of a combination of two or more networks, such as LAN and WAN networks. For a quick summary, you can refer to the table below: Parameters LAN WAN MAN Bandwth Low High Medium Medium Propagation Delay Short Long Medium Data Rate High Low Medium Channel Medium Coax PSTN or Satellite Connection Fiber, Coax, Wireless Small Geographic Coverage Very Large (State or National) Medium (City) Network Ownership Private Private or Public Private or Public So that ends this wonderful post. Stay tuned for the next topic of interest, peer-to-peer and client-server networking features and model specifications. report this ad

What is LAN, MAN WAN can pan?

Different Types of Computer Networks

PAN (Personal Area Network) LAN (Local Area Network) MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) WAN (Wide Area Network)

What are the 4 types of networks?

A computer network is mainly of four types:
  • LAN(Local Area Network)
  • PAN(Personal Area Network)
  • MAN(Metropolitan Area Network)
  • WAN(Wide Area Network)

What is the difference between LAN WAN pan and MAN?

LAN is defined as a computer network that links the local areas like schools, universities, organizations, etc. On the other hand, MAN is defined as a computer network that links the metropolitan areas. On the other hand, WAN is defined as the telecommunications network that covers a large geographical area.

What are the 3 classification of network?

3 Types of Networks
  • LANs (Local Area Networks)
  • MANs (Metropolitan Area Networks)
  • WANs (Wide Area Networks)

What is computer PAN?

A personal area network (PAN) connects electronic devices close to the user, such as a wireless mouse, a keyboard, and a computer.

What is LAN PAN and WAN?

PAN: Personal Area Network. LAN: Local Area Network. MAN: Metropolitan Area Network. WAN: Wide Area Network.

What is classification of computer network?

A computer network can be divided into the following types, based on the geographical area that they cover, they are: LAN(Local Area Network) MAN(Metropolitan Area Network) WAN(Wide Area Network)

What are the 5 most common type of computer networking?

  • Personal Area Network (PAN)
  • Local Area Network (LAN)
  • Wide Area Network (WAN)
  • Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
  • Campus Area Network (CAN)

What are types of computer network?

7 Types of Computer Networks Explained

What is the difference between PAN and can?

Other PAN technologies are Zigbee, Wireless USB, etc. What is a Campus Area Network (CAN)? (1st picture). A network infrastructure covering the school, university, or a corporate premises can be dubbed as campus area network.

What is different between PAN and MAN?

Answer: The significant difference between them is the geographical area they cover. When we consider the order, PAN is capable of providing network connection around a person, next comes LAN which covers a smaller area; then comes MAN; it covers an area larger than LAN & WAN is the largest of all.

What are 4 major components of LAN?

The hardware components of a LAN consist of:
  • PCs/workstations and servers.
  • Network Interface Card (NIC)
  • Cabling and connectors, for example, coaxial cable and BNC connector, Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) and RJ-45 connector.
  • Hub, concentrator, and more complicated network devices such as Bridge, LAN Switch and Router.

What is LAN MAN WAN with example?

LAN stands for local area network. MAN stands for metropolitan area network. WAN stands for wide area network. Geographic Span. Operates in small areas such as the same building or campus.

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Types of Computer Network: What is LAN, MAN and WAN

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