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Digital Marketing Analytics – Why It Is Important To Understand Your Metrics digital marketing analytics

数字营销分析 – 为什么了解您的指标很重要
[FREE DOWNLOAD] 一页营销备忘单:您是否厌倦了无法跟踪您的数字营销结果? 您是否希望有一种简单的方法可以快速确定哪些有效,哪些无效,这样您就不会在无效的营销策略上浪费时间和金钱? 如果是这样,那么您来对地方了,因为在这一集中,我们将首先深入了解数字营销分析这个错误过于复杂的世界,这样您就可以快速了解需要观看和衡量的内容,以及你可以留下的东西。 数字营销分析背后的真相是,它们可以像您希望的那样简单或复杂。 因此,您可以立即开始跟踪 5 个易于使用且易于理解的数字营销指标。 1:网站访问者 最简单的起点是查看您的网站流量和访问者数量。 虽然这有点虚荣指标,这意味着它可能与底线没有直接关系,但它有助于衡量和跟踪有多少人访问您的企业虚拟店面。 2:跳出率您的跳出率是访问您的网站然后迅速离开或反弹的人数。 这是我们希望看到的数字较低的地方,因为这意味着人们会留下来并更多地浏览您的内容。 3:电子邮件订阅者的数量就像网站访问者一样,您希望看到电子邮件订阅者随着时间的推移稳步增长。 无论您从事什么业务,您都可以通过使用电子邮件营销策略受益。 4:点击率 (CTR) 您的点击率是指有多少人采取了行动并点击了您的帖子或广告之一。 CTR 是您在任何社交或搜索引擎平台上制作广告时随时查看的宝贵指标,因为高点击率意味着您的广告所说的内容相关且有趣,足以让人们想要点击和学习更多的。 5:终生客户价值终生客户价值可能是最具挑战性的指标之一,也是最值得关注和跟踪的指标之一。 尽管有许多非常花哨且昂贵的软件工具和服务可以提供帮助,但即使对客户对您的业务的生命周期价值有一个粗略的总体概念,仍然对您的数字营销活动有益。 ► 在此处下载您的“一页营销计划”的免费副本 – #LINKS 网站:Twitter:Facebook:Instagram:Snapchat:snapadamerhart。

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Digital Marketing Analytics – Why It Is Important To Understand Your Metrics

Digital Marketing Analytics – Why It Is Important To Understand Your Metrics

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Digital Marketing Analytics – Why It Is Important To Understand Your Metrics
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19 thoughts on “Digital Marketing Analytics – Why It Is Important To Understand Your Metrics digital marketing analytics”

  1. The better you know your costumer the better you can serve them. With digital marketing you can track:

    1. How many times our message is shown.

    2. Who saw it

    —a. If they did anything
    ——I. What they did

    ——II. How many times they did it

    —b. Where they are from
    —c. What kind of device they are using

    —d. What browser they are searching on
    —e. With some platforms you can track: age, interests, and previous buying behavior.

    —f. They can be monitored for days, weeks, years to better understand them

    5 Digital marketing metrics:
    1. Website traffic/visitors, you want to be seeing a steady increase of customers overtime

    —a. You can dive deeper to see which resources are sending you the most traffic and which pages are sending you the most action – so that you know where to double down maximizing what is already working for you

    2. Bounce rate (% of people who quickly see your website and bounce off) … we want to see a low number –

    —a. People who are on a website longer are more likely to become customers

    —b. Also helps with search optimization rankings
    to improve view a website from your customer’s eyes and see if you are able to quickly determine what your website does and how easy it is for your website to navigate

    3. Increasing number of email subscribers?

    —a. Email marketing strategy

    —b. Encourage visitors to leave contact information with you by offering something of value in exchange. Whether it is a free ebook pdf, video, or consulting session.

    4. Click through rate, refers to how many people took action and clicked on one of your posts or advertisements

    —a. Valuable for any add on a social or search engine platform. A high click through rate says your add is relevant and interesting enough for a person to click on it and want to learn more.

    ——I. High CTR are rewarded with better search placements and lower cost… better results for less money

    5. lifetime customer value – one of the most challenging and ost value metrics to watch and track. There are a number of fancy and inexpensive tools that can help.

    —a. If you know what a customer is worth to your business you then know what to spend to acquire a new one. (if an average customer is worth $1K to your business you know you can spend up to that amount to acquire a new customer and still be profitable)

    ——I. Once you figure this number out and a way for you to market your business that allows you to acquire new customers below that cost you are basically able to create an unlimited amount of new customers directly to your business on autopilot.

    As for metrics Adam’s solution is a bit of a hybrid mashup: G. Analytics or FB Ads Manager to a more complicated Google Sheet that we manually update each day

  2. Certainly agree Adam with your 5 main points …Especially – Lifetime Customer Value…After all, to better serve your customers and grow your business, its critical to understand their problems and have a solution to offer them…

  3. Very informative. I appreciate you producing this video. When it comes to metrics, what tool do you prefer? I have been using Google Analytics with Search Console, but with the new Search Console, I am looking for other options. I know that you can select which version of Search Console you want, but I think it is a matter of time before Google does away with the old version of Search Console. Thanks!

  4. If you are searching for the best service to get website visitors to your site, i recommend to try seowebsitetraffic. I am using it with an incredible result. Just type seowebsitetraffic in search engines.

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