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Finance Career Paths finance career

在传统金融世界(不包括量化金融),有很多职业道路可供选择。 我试图涵盖基本路径,但是您应该知道具有金融背景的人最终从事了所有不同类型的工作。 了解进入特定职业所需的条件很重要,因为某些路径需要不同的学位和经验。 这些会增加与这些路径相关的成本,在审查薪酬和工作职责时应予以考虑。 1)私募股权(通常需要投资银行经验) 2)对冲基金(通常需要投资银行经验) 3)投资银行(需要本科) 4)财富管理(需要本科) 5)企业融资(需要本科) 6)技术工作(非编码工作和本科学历) 7)咨询(本科学历) 8)业务开发/销售(本科学历) 9)如果你努力工作,你最终可能会从事更多的量化工作,例如运筹学,但通常更多需要定量课程工作或经验。 为什么我们退出投资银行业务(100,000 美元以上的薪水):私募股权薪酬:对冲基金薪酬:定量 T 恤、马克杯和连帽衫:与我联系:支持该频道:.

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Finance Career Paths
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24 thoughts on “Finance Career Paths finance career”

  1. Hi Dimitri, nice video here. A question though, I did my undergrad in a non-finance course and I want to switch over to finance. Does taking an MBA in finance increase my chances of I should do a fresh degree?

  2. like what is other reasons of getting into a particular career? its mostly money/compensation lol. Just that you get experience, knowledge and network as an added advantage of working lol. I hate how people demonize THE BAG.

  3. Hey Dimitri, great video, I do have a dilemma for finance and quantitative finance, if I pursue a com sci degree I could either jump in to these 2 categories am I right? Since STEM degree have much math rigorous compare to solely just finance degree?

  4. Great video! Do you have a video about using quantitative skills for retail trading?

    Your video about SAS, R, and Python in banking was also very helpful!

  5. What career advice do you have for someone who:

    – graduated in economics from a target university
    – values a great work-life balance
    – seeks to manage own fund and/or business in the long-term (not endowed with the required capital)
    – secured a rotational finance graduate program in a f500 (m&a, trading, controlling, etc.)

    – Proceed with the f500 finance graduate program? Stay in an f500 or switch to IB?
    – get a CFA/ CAIA?
    – What roles allow to generate the required capital the fastest, while still maintaining a work load below 60h/week?
    — IB?
    — hedge fund?
    — asset management?
    — energy/ commodities trading?

    I know this is pretty random, but I just try my luck 🙂 any oponion is appreciated.

  6. Hey Dimitri – great vids! What advice would you give somebody who didn’t choose a major that is applicable to the finance industry in his undergrad, but is highly interested in a finance career? Is a Masters in Finance enough to get a foot in the door? Or is a successful change unrealistic?

  7. Can you describe the difference between wealth management and financial consulting (eg CFP)? Will I end up pushing people to buy annuities and life insurance in wealth management?

  8. So the typical route to get to private equity is:undergrad, 2 years investment banking, MBA, 2 years investment banking as an associate, then Private equity?

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