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KPIs for Digital Marketing | How to Evaluate Your Marketing Performance digital marketing analysis

我们将分解最重要的数字营销 KPI。 我将教您如何评估每个渠道以及您的整体业务和营销渠道的营销绩效。 包括模板和仪表板。 ► 第 2 部分:绩效营销(基于转化的营销):🚨 My Finance for Startups 计划将于 11 月 14 日启动🚨 空间有限。 加入候补名单,有机会在公众面前获得访问权限:资源和链接:____________________________________________ ► 数字营销仪表板(来自视频)免费模板:加入我的社区(即将发布重大公告):► 订阅我的电子邮件通讯:► Discord:相关金融建模视频: ► 风投如何计算客户保留率和 LTV: ► 亚马逊销售的财务模型: ► 财务面试准备系列 | 粉碎你的采访:____________________________________________ 在本视频中,我们将学习如何使用数字营销 KPI 了解每个营销渠道的表现以及我们整体营销漏斗的表现。 我们将构建可在现实生活中使用的简单营销仪表板,并查看一些案例研究并讨论常见的陷阱。 我曾多次看到公司内部为削减营销支出从一个渠道增加到另一个渠道而进行的斗争,结果这些重新分配适得其反,最终业绩比以前更糟。 为什么? 因为如果您没有使用正确的 KPI、关注整体混合 CAC 并考虑整体营销渠道,数字营销绩效就很难理解。 很容易过分简化营销绩效,并对哪些有效哪些无效做出错误的决定。 我们将使用现实生活中的例子和讨论来涵盖所有这些。 部分: 0:评估数字营销绩效的 27 个目标:CAC 与 LTV 1:20 该视频是谁 1:49 营销漏斗的解释(顶部、中部、底部) 5:20 什么是客户获取成本 (CAC)以及为什么重要 6:37 漏斗部分之间 CAC 的差异 7:46 案例研究电子商务:分配广告支出时的常见陷阱 9:07 付费数字营销仪表板 14:43 付费客户与有机客户与混合客户15: 13 整体数字营销仪表板(混合) 17:53 预算分配到漏斗顶部与底部的建议 18:58 什么是好的 CAC?我们可以在营销上花费多少? 19:34 客户生命周期价值示例 – LTV 与 CAC 案例研究 在本视频结束时,您将了解在现实生活中评估数字营销的最重要 KPI。 #digitalmarketingKPIs #startups #marketingperformance。

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KPIs for Digital Marketing | How to Evaluate Your Marketing Performance

KPIs for Digital Marketing | How to Evaluate Your Marketing Performance

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KPIs for Digital Marketing | How to Evaluate Your Marketing Performance
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33 thoughts on “KPIs for Digital Marketing | How to Evaluate Your Marketing Performance digital marketing analysis”

  1. Hey there Eric! I've been finding your videos very helpful and I'm looking forward to more of them. Just to be sure I understood correctly, could you confirm this please? Thank you!


    A – No. of new paid customers

    B – No. of new organic customers

    C – No. of returning paid customers

    D – No. of returning organic customers


    R(A) – Revenue from new paid customers

    R(B) – Revenue from new organic customers

    R(C) – Revenue from returning paid customers

    R(D) – Revenue from returning organic customers

    Paid ROAS = {R(A) + R(C)}/ Total ad spend

    Blended ROAS = {R(A) + R(B) + R(C) + R(D)}/ Total ad spend

    Paid CAC = Total ad spend / A

    Blended CAC = Total ad spend / (A + B)

  2. The video is amazing and I got most of the info very easy, but I got confused in the Blended CAC calculation, because you are saying you have to take the total new clients and then divide by total spend, but google says you have to take the total spend and divide it by the total customers acquired, so is backwards and it made me very confused. I am new in all these and that particular part is what confused me so much. But is very good overall.

  3. Thanks! This is my first video and I already know I'm gonna love this channel. The only thing that I'm not sure here is if the general LTV is the best metric considering that cashflow is crucial for ecomm businesses. Maybe 60 day LTV would be better?

  4. This is awesome stuff man because you break everything down to the essentials, I've recognised that this is the main skill that smart people use to differentiate themselves from the average ones, keep rolling!

  5. Hi Eric! Amazing content. I love the case study portions of this video. Extremely informative!
    Can you have more Strategic Marketing related content? Would love to see these kinds of videos from your channel! 🙂

  6. I started my Ecom website last March and so far have done 600K in sales thus far thanks to Shopify and Facebook and google ads. I’ve worked with many agencies and marketers and this is by far the best explanation I have ever found. This is an amazing blueprint to really be able to communicate with these agencies and marketers effectively. Thank you so much!

  7. you explained it so easily, i easily understood with almost with no knowledge on marketing. as a beginner (i have a degree on international business) what topics should i study to apply for a job as a digital marketing agent in the future? thank you in advance

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