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Studying Accounting and Finance At University in 2021? WATCH THIS! finance and accounting

在这个视频中,我将提供金融大学的技巧,如果你想在大学做会计和金融! 我在大学学习会计已经 4 年了,我学到了一些我认为你应该知道的东西。 大学会计似乎是一个很好的未来前景的好主意,所以如果你问自己“我应该在大学做会计吗?” 这是给你的视频。 邓迪大学是我完成学业的地方,一路上我学到了一些你应该知道的东西。 大学第一年的会计和金融比第二年的大学会计和金融感觉容易得多,而且在第一年不要过于自信是非常重要的。 此外,在大学学习金融时,您需要意识到考试更多的是基于作文而不是数学。 例如,就像我今年的考试一样,论文的分数约为 80%,这是很多。 还在问我应该在大学做金融吗? 好吧,您应该知道,即使您完成了学位,您也不会成为合格的特许会计师! CIMA、ACCA 和 ICAS 等公司仍有大约 3 年的专业考试时间。 此外,当您从大学会计和金融专业毕业时,任何公司的所有研究生课程都要求您取得 2:1 或更高的成绩,因此请尽早学习! 最后,会计高等教育之后的就业市场非常饱和,申请人数众多。 不幸的是,工作并没有那么饱和。 在苏格兰,每个会计毕业生角色都有大约 50 名会计毕业生。 如果你正在申请、申请或被大学录取,我希望这个视频能帮助你,如果你有的话,祝你好运! 很多爱,Niall x。

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Studying Accounting and Finance At University in 2021? WATCH THIS!

Studying Accounting and Finance At University in 2021? WATCH THIS!

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Studying Accounting and Finance At University in 2021? WATCH THIS!
finance and accounting
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26 thoughts on “Studying Accounting and Finance At University in 2021? WATCH THIS! finance and accounting”

  1. Im doing this course now in my first year and man i hate the mcq exams I’m already stressing out even though some are done at home online its not as easy as possible. I was already in two minds if i should go to university or just work but i decided to go and i am
    Still crazy confused if i should go or not

  2. Hey! I am literally in my second year doing accounting and finance and man is it complex! I was attending a class on International financial reporting and had no clue what the lecturer was talking about, I felt sad af,… but I have courage…

  3. Hi, I'm not a great math student, I struggled a little bit on my A level mathematics exam to get an averagely good grade. But I'm considering doing accounting and finance as an undergrad degree. Do you think it's a good idea, or will I struggle throughout college to get good grades, given my history with math?

  4. I’m starting in 3 weeks an account and finance degree at Loughborough university!! Scared now I’ve watched this, definitely need to practice my written skills.

  5. Why go to university to study accounting. After A levels you can go straight into working in accounting, either for a company in the commercial/industrial or working with one of the big 4 auditing firms. The advantage is that you start getting a good salary and you immediately start gaining valuable experience. A lot of budding Accountants start off with the AAT the lower tier accounting qualification and then go on to ACCA or CIMA. Of course it is harder doing it this way coz you need to study in your spare time as well as work, but all of your tuition fees will be paid by your employer. You will also go on tuition courses from time to time. It will take 4/5 years to become a Chartered Accountant but you will have no debt and already have the relevant 36 months accounting experience.
    If you get a degree in Accounting you will still have to do about 4 of the ACCA/CIMA professional exams to become a member, and you will need 36 months good quality accounting experience.

  6. Hi, I wanted to do my bachelor's either in university of Wolverhampton or uclan Is both universities good for A & F . I am also looking to take the placement year . What are your comments??

  7. Is it going to be a right decision for international students to choose UK for a masters in accounting and finance or fintech. As there is a scarce in jobs for these roles will it be really hard to find a job during the 2 years stay back period?

  8. I don’t know what I want to do in the future at all, and not even sure if I have any interests for any degrees in university but i’ve been looking at A&F. Is A&F broad I don’t think I’d want to be an accountant due to the competitive nature as you said would it allow me to get other finance related roles and jobs or am I better off doing another degree?

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