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Tactile technology for robots from Facebook | High Tech News technology news

✅ Instagram:您在 PRO Robots 频道,在本期科技新闻中,我们将向您介绍 Facebook (Meta) 的新发展,机器人不仅能够看到和听到,还能感受到世界。 由于公众的担忧,Facebook 还将关闭其面部识别系统。 机器狗正在争夺消费者的注意力并学习新事物,太空机器人正在国际空间站上进行测试,并且正在出现用于清洁房屋周围的新的、功能更强大的机器人。 在此视频中阅读有关此技术新闻的更多信息! 观看视频到最后,并在评论中写下您最感兴趣的新闻! 0:00 在本视频中 0:24 ReSkin 机器人皮肤 1:47 DIGIT 触摸传感器 2:19 Facebook 关闭面部识别系统 2:49 DeepRobotics 的 Jueying Lite 2 机器人宠物 3:13 Unitree Robotics 的 GO1 能够下楼梯 3 :31 Oncilla,一个四足机器人 4:02 测试 GITAI S1 自主机械臂 4:25 Sarcos R obotics 为制造业开发 4:49 DeKonBot 2 清洁机器人 5:27 微型旋翼机的机动性 5:39 激光除草机去除杂草 6 :13 来自 Einride 的无人驾驶 Pod 卡车 6:45 从迪拜家乐福的 Yandex 交付 6:59 测试 Marker 机器人保安 # prorobots #robots #robot #future technology #robotics 更有趣和有用的内容:✅ Elon Musk 创新 ✅Future Technologies 评论✅ 技术新闻 #prorobots #technology #roboticsnews PRO Robots 不仅仅是关于机器人和未来技术的频道,我们对科学、技术、新技术和机器人的所有表现形式、科学新闻、今天的科技新闻,2021年的科技新闻,以便将来可以扩展未来的发布主题。 今天,我们的vlog只讲复杂的事情,关注科技新闻,评论展览、会议和活动,主角是世界上最好的机器人! 订阅频道,喜欢视频并加入我们! ✅ Instagram:✅ 电报:✅ Facebook。

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Tactile technology for robots from Facebook | High Tech News

Tactile technology for robots from Facebook | High Tech News

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Tactile technology for robots from Facebook | High Tech News
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17 thoughts on “Tactile technology for robots from Facebook | High Tech News technology news”

  1. Not necessarily impressed with the robot weed killer. In our limited knowledge, we might be destroying a valuable natural resource. Some of which might be as important as trees are to the oxygen levels on Earth. I think more consideration should have been given the weed's possible usefulness outside that of agricultural needs before deciding these have no use at all. Indiscriminately killing off the planet's natural resources one by one is like giving a gun to a child who is not yet aware of the harm that can result from their actions. Such is man. A child with a gun.

  2. does the robot besides touch also gets a humor sensor ? a love – o – matic sensor ? machines that detected if you are in love excists since the 1980's something. one need to grab a handle wich was also a sensor. it has anelogue electronics instead of digital electronical cirque. wich made it so accurate. also an anelogue read out

  3. So many morons that assume scripting can legitimize emotional interaction with machinery. You want to feel emotion with a machine go stick your junk in a meat grinder, its machine. You will feel all kinds of emotions.

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